Year 12 Modern History 3AB
History is the study and practice of making meaning of the past with a view to understanding the present. It engages us with the ideas, beliefs and values that shape and influence our livesThe Modern History course promotes skills of research, hypothesis testing and analysis of information as students engage with investigations. They are encouraged to question and evaluate historical sources; to identify the various representations and versions of history. The study of history assists them in the development of critical thinking skills as it encourages them to compare and contrast information, detect inconsistencies in details, recognise the manipulation of evidence, identify perspective in the presentation of graphic and textual material, and evaluate the accuracy and reliability of sources.
Future Applications:
Through study of societies, movements and political structures, they are well prepared for careers involving policy making, administration and research. Learning the skills of critical inquiry is essential for people working in business, government, law, health, science, academia, industry, tourism, environment, media and the arts.
Unit 3A - Australia 1950s-1990s
The focus for this unit is cohesion and division. Students learn that there are internal and external forces that result in cohesion and/or division within societies and these have consequences for continuity and change.
Unit 3B - The Russian Revolution
The focus for this unit is ideas that shaped history. The object of this unit is to explore the power of ideas and ideologies as forces for change and/or their use to reinforce dominant elements in society.
Type of assessment
Historical inquiry
Student formulated inquiry
.Extended writing
Document study
Evaluation of primary and secondary source material
The exam comprises a combination of the Explanation and Document study assessment types.
A grade will be assigned following the completion of the course unit.
A Excellent achievement
B High achievement
C Satisfactory achievement
D Limited achievement
E Inadequate achievement
Each grade is based on the student's overall performance for the course unit as judged by reference to a set of pre-determined standards. These standards are defined by grade descriptions.
Student Expectations/Homework
Students will be expected to complete approximately 3 hours of homework each week. This time should be spent consolidating material covered in class as well as any assigned tasks.