Arigatoo. Sayoonara from our Fujimi Visitors 2012
Our two week Fujimi Exchange for 2012 finished on Saturday at midday as 35 girls, 2 teachers and 1 tour guide boarded the bus, smiling and sobbing.
Thank you to all involved in making the Fujimi Exchange such a wonderful experience for our Japanese visitors. In particular, thanks to all the families who hosted. Without your extraordinary generosity and hospitality we would not be able to conduct this exchange.
The Fujimi students completed an evaluation before they left. Every comment was positive.
Here is a selection of comments to their host families:
"I like your smiles very much"
"I was very, very fun."
"Thank you very much for your kindness"
"I love you guys!"
"Thank you for listening kindly to my terrible English"
About John XXIII College, they wrote:
"School was very large"
"JTC students say "konnichi wa"
"So kind and friendly students"
"School was very, very big and students is tall too!"
"All students are very beautiful"
"I want to go to this school"
I would like to express my great appreciation to all the staff and students who helped to make this a successful exchange. Sincere thanks to Ms Glen James for assisting in co-ordinating the exchange; Ms Helen Aghdasi for leading the excursion to Caversham and helping out with ceremonies and classes; the Language Teachers for all their support; Mr Ron Logan for driving the bus; Mr Brad Tyrrell for creating "Fujimi Trip DVD"; Mr Wayne Burke for always being "Mr Reliable" at my beckon and call; Ms Cath Philpot; the Year One Teachers Ms Jodi Joyce and Ms Simonette Chiappini; our wonderful Year Ten Japanese students for being such wonderful ambassadors and guides and to the many teachers that allow Fujimi students into your classes.
Hontooni (truly) Arigatoo gozaimashita.
Shane Glass
Learning Area Coordinator Languages