Year 12 Mathematics 2CD
In this course, students will interpret information on financial statements that are part of everyday living. They will study quadratic relationships and other functions and their graphs. They will extend their knowledge of coordinate geometry, and represent and interpret information in networks. They will formulate recursion rules and apply recursion in practical situations. They will explore patterns and make and test conjectures. They will use trigonometry to solve right and acute triangles. Students will simulate chance events on technologies, and calculate and interpret probabilities for chance events that occur in two- or three- stages. They will plan random samples, collect and analyse data from them, and infer results for populations. They will use mental and written methods and technologies where appropriate.
estimation and calculation
- functions, graphs and patterns
- equivalence, equations and inequalities
- finance
- coordinate geometry
- networks
- quantify and interpret chance
- collect, organize, represent and interpret data
- measurement
- conduct chance experiments
- quantify and interpret chance
Further elaboration of these topics may be found in program of learning issued to the students at the commencement of the course.
Assessment will include investigations: 25% which require application of acquired knowledge to new situations and problem solving ability | tests: 36% | examinations: 39%
A brief interim report on class work and behaviour will be issued towards the end of Term 1. The achievement for the course will be reported as a College A - E grade as well as a percentage mark for the course and an examination mark for both semester 1 and the year. In addition, the student's approach to class work and behaviour will be reported via the usual key performance indicators.
Student Expectations
Students are expected to:
- bring the required text, calculator and stationery to each lesson
- complete regular homework from a variety of sources including the text, worksheets and MathsOnline
- be aware of assessment dates and have prepared thoroughly for each assessment
- be proactive in seeking help from the teacher when required