Workplace Learning/INSTEP
Vocational Education Program
In Years 11 and 12 students have the opportunity to apply for the Vocational Education and Training (VET) program.
This pathway is aimed at students who are considering future study at TAFE or following a career in a trade based industry. Students will spend one day a week in a work placement supported by INSTEP to gain hands on experience in the workforce.
The Innovative Skills, Training and Education Program (INSTEP) is an out-of-school structured work placement program that allows students to get hands on experience in the workforce whilst continuing with their school education. INSTEP gives students industry recognition and provides links to further education and training. Students applying to TAFE score points in the Work Experience category for their INSTEP involvement.
Business Focus
The VET program at John XXIII College has a business focus and all students will complete Certificate I Business in Year 11 and continue on to complete Certificate II Business in Year 12.
During the two years there may be opportunities to complete the WA Construction White Card (CPCCOHS1001A Work safely in the construction industry), WA Work Safe certificates and a first aid course.
Year 11
Year 12
Certificate I Business
Certificate II Business
(continuing from Year 11)
2 work placements
(Minimum 100 hours work experience)
2 work placements
(Minimum 100 hours work experience)
Career and Enterprise 1A / 1B
Workplace Learning 1A / 1B
Career and Enterprise 1C / 1D
Workplace Learning 1C / 1D
Student subject choices
Student subject choices
Application Process
There are a limited number of places on the VET Program and the application process consists of an interview with the College Deputy Principal and a representative from INSTEP to identify suitability to the program and discuss future career goals.
Students should be aware they will be responsible for catching up with any work missed in classes during their day each week in the workplace.
Please see Ms S Ware for more information on the VET program.