Year 9 Drama Skills 1
This course provides for the development of skills in the areas of movement, voice, imagination and self-confidence. It involves the application of these skills to specific performance tasks involving improvisation, play building and script work.
- Physical theatre
- Australian script performance
- Commedia del arte
Students are assessed on both their practical and written skills. The main focus of the course is on a student's performance skills and learning through practical workshops. Students will be assessed formally through public and in class performances as well as informally through workshops. Students are required to participate in the Year 9 Drama Night as part of their formal assessment. Assessments will be group based with students required to complete one written evalution on the completion of each performance.
A brief interim report on class work and behaviour will be issued towards the end of Term 1. The achievement for the unit will be reported as a College A-E grade. In addition, the student's approach to class work and behaviour will be reported via the usual key performance indicators.
Student expectations
Students will participate in practical workshops for each topic in order to develop the necessary practical skills. A focus will be placed on group dynamics and the equal contribution of all students in each task. Students are expected to learn lines at home.
Year 9 Drama Skills 2
This course provides for the development of skills in the areas of movement, voice, imagination and self-confidence. It involves the application of these skills to specific performance tasks involving improvisation, play building and script work.
- Play building
- Scripted performance
- Stage fighting
Students are assessed on their practical and written skills. The main focus of the course is on a student's performance skills and learning through practical workshops. Students will be assessed formally through public and in class performances as well as informally through workshops. Students are required to participate in the Year 9 Drama Night as part of their formal assessment. Assessments will be group based with students required to complete one written evaluation on the completion of each performance.
A brief interim report on class work and behaviour will be issued towards the end of Term 1. The achievement for the unit will be reported as a College A-E grade. In addition, the student's approach to class work and behaviour will be reported via the usual key performance indicators.
Student expectations
Students will participate in practical workshops for each topic in order to develop the necessary practical skills. A focus will be placed on group dynamics and the equal contribution of all students in each task. Students are expected to learn lines at home.