College Founders
Those who inspire us
The Founders are commemorated each year during Founders' Time (31 July - Feast of St Ignatius to 19 August - the anniversary of the establishment of the Loreto Sisters in Australia).
Their visions of reality and their ideals, and the aspirations of the College community, are summed up in the College Objective:
"Inspired by the Gospels, and in the spirit of John XXIII, Mary Ward and Ignatius Loyola, we seek to be people of competence, conscience and compassion who are committed to God and the service of others."
Pope St John XXIII (1881-1963)
The College was founded with an optimistic vision of renewal of tradition, faith, service and openness. Pope St John XXIII was, therefore, a fitting patron since these qualities always distinguished him as a priest, diplomat, Patriarch and Pope.
Mary Ward (1585-1645)
Mary Ward was born at a time when England was in political and religious turmoil. She felt the call to serve God and her neighbour but it was some time before she realised she was called to found an Order of Sisters (Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary: Loreto) who would pursue the same ideals as the Jesuits. Her Sisters would have "a will to do well which women may have as well as men". Her commonsense religious spirit and her vision of a robust role for women in the Church and the community, have been abiding characteristics of the Loreto Sisters and their schools. Find out about our Mary Ward sculpture.
St Ignatius Loyola (1491-1556)
Born into the Spanish nobility, Ignatius began his career as a courtier and soldier. While recuperating from wounds incurred in battle at Pamplona, he underwent a conversion. Henceforth, he single-mindedly sought to put into practice the world view which he expressed in his Spiritual Exercises. With his early followers, he formed the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) which has had a profound effect on life in the Church. The Jesuits were termed the "Schoolmasters of Europe"; their educational tradition is characterised by the pursuit of excellence and preparation for Christian service of men and women for others in every field of human endeavour.